Wednesday 3 July 2013

Camino Dreaming

Well, I've been home two days now and for both of those nights I have dreamt about the Camino.  Neither dream made a lot of sense, nor were they really any of the Caminos I have walked, but the walking was there, and definitely the Camino.  To say that the Camino is part of me is a bit of an understatement. Or perhaps I just didn't walk for long enough this time?!

I've also taken the dreams as a message to get down on paper (well in the PC's memory) my thoughts and experiences of the Camino Primitivo.  I have started to write my second Camino book about just that - The Camino Primitivo. So far just over a thousand words, but it's on its way.  Tomorrow I need to work on my children's book, so this new project will take the back burner, but that is just for a while. This summer I will complete the first draft of the new Camino Magic book and hopefully publish before the end of the year.... watch this space.

Although our journey for the year is over I will continue Camino blogging - with comments and thoughts about each of the ones I've done, and whatever comes up for me along the way. SO if you've been following me this far please don't give up now... the posts may not be quite as regular but I shall try to make them at least weekly, or twice weekly.

If you have been reading my recent posts please let me apologise for the typos and grammatical errors. I shall continue to blame these on the size of the screen on my phone, and to the tiredness and few drinks I usually took at the end of each day, whilst or soon before blogging.

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