Tuesday 9 July 2013

Camino Shock

I've been back a week now and am in a stage of what I think of as 'Camino-Shock'.

After such an incredible time out walking, with little responsibility, enjoying all that nature has to offer returning back to 'civilisation' always proves difficult for me. 

Whilst walking I am filled with energy from everything around. The views are stunning, the trees breathing beside the way pour their energy into me. The general beauty around raises me up physically and spiritually. Jane and I have often spoken about how we feel taller when walking in the wild-lands of the Camino.

I invariably connect with a greater power whilst walking, and this tiem for me this was most powerful in Finisterre.


The like-minded people we meet along the way make me feel part of a plan, even if that plan is just to get to the next albergue, but usually it is much more than that.

The lack of induced thought, yet the ability to let my mind float away and wonder about everything from the smallest of things to life itself is liberating. 

Coming home I am excited and thrilled to see my family again, yet still feel slightly caged by the 'four walls' within which I live. 

During the first few days at home I experience a period of de/re-construction as I reintegrate into the places I am from day to day so comfortable in.  During these days I need to be held- not physically but metaphorically. Luckily I have a husband that is used to these post-Camino days and does this well.

For the first few days back home I need to feel the Camino experience I have just had, I need to assimilate where I have been and I need to come back to earth slowly. 

There is no denying - The Camino changes me each time I walk. It opens me to the world around and makes me even more grateful for my wonderful life than I was before I left.

Oh and on a lighter night (pun intended) it means I lose weight -only 4 kilos this year (not bad in eight days though!) and feel healthier and stronger afterwards. 



  1. Imay not have lost the wieght this time Mark , but i do feel more healthier and full of energy , i jogged round the woods with the dogs yesterday , i have been walking every day ,also I have been catching up with friends i have not seen for ages which i intend to do more of .
    The Camino for me this time has made me see that i need to spend my time wisely and not waste it doing the same routine day in day out .

    1. The weight loss is just an added benefit really - like you said yours turned into muscle.
      What a great outcome for you. Once I get out of this Camino shock time I shall take inspiration from you and follow your lead... First plan to head to the beach a couple of evenings a week -swim and sun -exercise and health...
