Thursday, 16 May 2013

To cap it all

Some days walking the Camino the sun can be relentless. Now that might be fine for anyone with a full head of hair, but for me and my receding hairline (from all directions) I need a bit of protection from getting a sun-burnt head. 

So of course each year I've designed a cap to match the t-shirts that were featured on this blog a couple of days ago.  

caps are excellent for keeping cool too. We simply dunked them in the streams and under fountains until they were soaked then put them back on our heads. The (sometimes freezing) cold water was a shock at times, but wonderfully refreshing.

In 2010 both Janey and I had the following fetching headgear:

Fetchingly modelled by Janey here, halfway up the Pyrenees

In 2011 a slight change in style

Again modelled beautifully by my wonderful sister-in-law. 

In 2012 a change in colour -
 an  ill-advised change as when wet the colour ran and faded really quickly

Here you can see my preferred way of wearing it, attached to my rucksack instead of protecting my head! 

and for this year, restyling to a khaki cap...

Along with the caps a jaunty scarf is advisable to protect the back of your neck, especially as most of the time the direction of the Camino means that the sun is directly behind you. 

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