Saturday, 8 June 2013

The Best Bocadillos...

The best bocadillos on the Camino was Josefina's boast as we entered her store in El Acebo, after a long morning's walk. She even pointed out a postcard she had received from some pilgrims who had returned to Brazil which/who supported her claim. 
She was a little surprised we only wanted cheese in ours, telling us that the ham was exceptional, and didn't really get the whole vegetarian thing, but promised the tomatoes with which she made the sandwiches were fresh and tasty from her garden that morning. 

Sitting outside her store in the semi-sunshine/shade we had to agree -well who knows 'best' is relative but they were good, and more than enough for our lunch break. We ate half each and carried the rest for a snack later.  Right next to the store was a water fountain which gushed cool fresh water too. It really is the simple things that make the Camino exceptional. 

 As we were sitting eating this young man came and joined us. He was so gorgeous that we considered stealing him, until we found out that was what had happened to his brother just the day before. He was, said Josefina's hubby, missing his brother and feeling a little sad. Well he definitely had a hang-dog expression. 

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